Monday, February 3, 2014

Squee! Part Two.

A little gratuitous eye-candy.

Dusty Miller

Squee! Part Two, because when I sold my first story that was just Squee! (Part One in retrospect.)

(No part zero or anything like that either.)

Throwing Chocolate, my new free story up at Smashwords has just gotten this lovely five-star review:

Review by: tony parsons on Feb. 03, 2014 : star star star star star

Vicki Stewart was shopping at the Laura Secord store at the mall. Melanie & Danae were her BFF’s. Enrico her ex had just dumped her for another gal …

Thank you for the free short story (book) …

Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)

Link to the rest here, ( It's at the bottom of the page.)
